
Do you regularly take an anti-anxiety or sleeping medication?

17 July 2019

What will participation involve?

• This project involves a series of online surveys to be completed over a six-month period. They will involve questions about your demographics, benzodiazepine use and experiences with them, as well as a few questions relating to your psychological and physical health.
• The first questionnaire will be the longest, taking around 30 minutes to complete. The following few questionnaires will be much briefer, taking around 15 minutes to complete.


Ethical approval

This study has received ethical approval from Deakin University, #2019-006

About the researcher

Erin Oldenhof B.A. (Psych) (Hons); Doctor of Psychology (Clinical) Candidate
Erin is currently completing her doctorate, where the research impetus has been the advent of real-time prescription monitoring of benzodiazepines (BDZs) in Australia. Erin is investigating barriers long-term “benzo” users face when asked to reduce or stop their medication. The findings will be used to inform healthcare practitioners of more client-centred approaches to deprescribing benzos/z-drugs, to reduce the potential harms associated with abrupt discontinuation.

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Academic study

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